Penewobikong – Blind River to Iron Bridge

club contact:

Trail Captain – Andy Penikett

Manager – Carolynn Reid –

Penewobikong Hiking Group – Melanie Hall


club info:

The Penewobikong section of the Voyageur Trail is a wilderness recreational hiking trail about 45 km long. It passes numerous picturesque lakes and rivers and climbs several rocky promontories. The diversity of the landscape and abundant access points make it very appealing and well worth exploring.

Penewobikong photo

Construction on the Penewobikong section began in 1973. Norm Lediett laid out the trail and constructed it with the help of four club members. Norm finished the trail in 1988.

Nearly half of this trail section runs through the Mississauga First Nation or individuals. It is only with their ongoing permission that we can maintain this trail. The VTA expresses its sincere gratitude to these landowners.

A historical note: During World War II, part of this section was logged out. The yellow birch taken from the area went south to make the strong, pliable birch veneer used in the construction of the famed Mosquito Bombers.

Trail Sections We Manage:

The Penewobikong portion of the Voyageur Trail begins in the Village of Iron Bridge and access point at Chiblow Lake Rd. Within the first 1000 metres, hikers will find the Potomac River where there is a good spot for lunch. Continuing on, the trail crosses open country and over the Potomac River via a wooden bridge. Passing one of 4 parking areas, the trail runs through a red pine plantation later coming onto the Brady Mining Camp, site of an old copper mine, circa 1910-1925. The trail continues parallel to the power line, into mixed bush, crossing several ridges then to meander through an open hardwood forest then back onto a rocky ridge and a lookout over the west end of Pike Lake to enjoy the view and rest. Soon you will then come upon two small streams and an early 1900s logging road. Cross a stream, walk along a rocky spine to descend to cross another creek. Soon trail moves into a clearing and continues to meet Canoe Lake Rd. Later passing the Cataract Lake, you arrive at a picnic site at the base of Whitefish Falls, between Cataract and Canoe Lakes and a couple of parking areas. A small hydroelectric project (Scarfe Generating Station) is installed at the falls replacing the historic Daigle’s Dam powerhouse where you can access spring water from a pipe in the ground on the lake side of the road. Bush road continues meeting the foundations of pioneer root cellars. Trail climbs to an old stone fence and pine plantation and the remains of an old farm. After passing a ridge and another view of the Cataract Lake and Whitefish Falls, the trail heads back into the bush, through treed gullies then an optional side climb uphill to a panoramic view of Lake Duborne. Main trial continues eastward along the south side of Granary Lake, ending at Intersect Creek.


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